Most parents with 2 kids in school will have as much homework stress as I do, but what makes my case unique is that I have the same homework assignment for each child. Ryan and Moy are both in the same class and have been classmates since they were 3 years old. Since the twins are both 5 years old, it means that both require the same amount of parental supervision while they are doing their homework. Needless, to say it is challenging to provide equal attention simultaneously.
The most difficult homework assignment that I have encountered so far is creative writing. Yes, they went to a kindergarten that included a reading program and writing is part of that process. Thankfully, creative writing was only once a week. I sat in the middle between them, I talked to each of them individually about the story he/she wanted to write based on the opening sentence given. Then I proceeded to write that story as told by them on paper ever so neatly, so Ryan/Moy can read my handwriting and copy the storey into their journal. As soon as I got 1 child started I would then turn my attention to the other one and repeat the process. Of course in an ideal world the twins would sit patiently and wait their turn. That was not always the case...most of the time. In the beginning, this strategy worked, but as they learned more words they wanted to print the draft themselves. This lead to a lot of going back and forth for me helping them spell words for their stories. The only part that did not require my help as the drawing that accompanied the storey. It was quite a process from start to finish.
Another homework assignment that is always good to have a partner help with is reading. It is simply not possible to have each child reading aloud at the same time. I could let them just read by themselves, but I would not be able to help correct them or help sound out new words. So, what is really a simple task that should take 10 minutes to complete can easily turn into a minimum 20 minutes to complete because of having twins. Again, only because I want to do things properly that I get myself into this situation. One day when they are older they will probably not need me to sit next to them as they read. Reading is always a positive activity and it is also a great way to spend time together, so I don't mind it that much.
I may be a little tired and run down, but at least by having the same homework assignments I only need to read the instructions once. At this juncture in their education, I do prefer my current homework situation versus them being in different classes. One day I am sure they will be in separate classes, but until then I am going to "enjoy" it while I can.
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