Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Older But Shorter

In an ideal world or place twins would thrive and grow at exactly the same rate.  Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in, so I am constantly explaining how Ryan is older, but shorter than Moy.  The fact that Moy is a girl and matures at a different rate than Ryan adds to her edge of appearing to be older.

At birth, Ryan was longer than Moy and he outweighed her by half a pound even.  Somewhere just after the first year, Moy surpassed Ryan in growing.  She was always the more voracious eater as well and she still is to this day.  She is the one who has her face to the plate eating while Ryan is chatting it up.  Currently, Ryan is only half of a head shorter than Moy, but he has a huge personality and other kids are drawn to him for that.

The one person who is the most puzzled as to how nature has run its course so far, is Moy.   Ryan has not been so concerned about this difference in height probably because we do not make a big deal about it and we tell him that everyone sprouts differently.  In Moy's world, just about everyone who is older than her is taller than her.  The exception to this rule so far is her brother.  She is not so concerned about height and age in the adult world...some how it is acceptable.  In a kids' world,  it is usually the case that someone who is older would be an 8 year old is typically taller than a 6 year old.  So, Moy comes to me and asks, "When is my older brother going to be taller than me because that is what she is supposed to be."  I just tell her that everybody is different and one day he may be taller than her. 

At first glance, people assume that Emily is older since she is taller and has a bit of a more mature look to her.  Once I tell them how old Ryan and Moy are,  people just light up because they think it is so wonderful and cool to have twins, especially a boy and a girl. Yes, it seems to be the dream combination for families who only desire to have two children.  I sometimes do get tired of pointing out the older but shorter scenario, but I find it a bit amusing at times too.          

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